Andre Percia: NLP and Parapsychology

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André Percia

André Percia

Andre Percia

Clinical Psychologist, and Master Trainer in Coaching, NLP and Hypnosis. He lives in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and offers certification and public courses all over the world.
WhatsApp + 55 21 99101-1843     Instagram: @andre_percia
E-mail:     YouTube:

Please find in this blog:
- the YouTube presentation from Andre Percia
- the article: "NLP and Purported Spontaneous Psi Phenomena"
- the link to his English book: "THE UNEXPLORED MIND"
- the link to his Portuguese book: "PNL e o Mundo Paranormal"

Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Purported Spontaneous Psi Phenomena:
A New Frontier in Consciousness Research - presented on 7 June 2024

This scholarly monograph ventures into the compelling crossroads of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and spontaneous psi phenomena, critically evaluating the potential role neuro-linguistic constructs play in the emergence and conceptualisation of psi experiences. Through meticulous case studies, individuals professing precognitive abilities, clairvoyance, and telepathic communication are examined to ascertain how such extraordinary events correlate with their intrinsic neuro-linguistic patterns.

At the forefront of this inquiry is the conceptual "Integrated Factors System," an innovative model that synthesises the interplay of socio-cultural context, personal life stories, and the idiosyncrasies of personality structures. This framework serves as a beacon to navigate the processing of psi experiences within the NLP paradigm, casting light on the relevance of representational systems, the intricacies of submodalities, the dynamics of state management, the influence of meta-programs, the power of belief systems, and the nuances of linguistic patterns.

Interweaving the rich tapestry of personal narratives with a foundation of established psychological theories, the monograph unfurls new theoretical implications for the understanding of psi within the domains of psychology and NLP. It delineates practical methodologies for professionals in these fields, postulating that neuro-linguistic mechanisms might be expertly employed to amplify psi capabilities and assist those who encounter these enigmatic phenomena.

Recognising the limitations inherent in anecdotal evidence, the monograph endorses a call to action for comprehensive research, employing rigorous mixed-methods approaches to delve deeper into the relationship between NLP and psi phenomena. Offering a fresh integrative perspective, this scholarly work makes a salient contribution to the academic conversation, illuminating the profound impact of cognitive and linguistic frameworks in the mysterious expanse of human experience, and proposing an invigorating direction for multidisciplinary inquiry in psychological and parapsychological scholarship.

Please read the whole article here:


The Unexplored Mind: NLP and the World of the Paranormal" by André Percia offers a groundbreaking fusion of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Parapsychology, two fields that, despite their common goal of unlocking human potential, have historically remained separate. Percia's work bridges this gap by integrating the empirical rigor of NLP with the exploratory nature of Parapsychology, offering new insights into human consciousness.

This book challenges the boundaries of conventional science, urging readers to consider that the phenomena studied by Parapsychology may be understood and harnessed through NLP techniques. It is not merely a theoretical exploration but a practical guide for those curious about the unknown, offering techniques that can enhance personal growth, communication, and behavior.

André Percia's work encourages readers to adopt an open and critical mindset, combining scientific precision with a willingness to explore the mysterious aspects of the mind. "The Unexplored Mind" stands as a call to action, inspiring both skeptics and believers to expand their understanding of reality and the human mind's extraordinary capabilities.

Whether you are an NLP practitioner, a parapsychology researcher, or simply intrigued by the mysteries of the mind, this book promises to challenge your perceptions and offer new possibilities for personal and collective growth.


PNL e o Mundo Paranormal

Sobre o livro: A Mente Inexplorada: PNL e o Mundo Paranormal, de André Percia, é mais do que um simples livro—é uma jornada ousada que rompe barreiras entre ciência e mistério, razão e intuição. Nesta obra visionária, a precisão empírica da Programação Neurolinguística (PNL) se une à esfera enigmática da Parapsicologia, criando um território totalmente novo para o autodesenvolvimento humano. Percia não se limita a teorias: ele oferece métodos práticos e acessíveis, transformando fenômenos antes vistos como incompreensíveis em ferramentas para o aprimoramento pessoal, a comunicação eficaz e a expansão da mente. Você irá além do simples aprendizado e sentirá o poder de técnicas que podem revelar talentos latentes, ampliar a percepção da realidade e impulsionar o crescimento interior. A Mente Inexplorada é um convite para sair da zona de conforto intelectual. Ao mesmo tempo em que respeita o rigor científico, a obra desafia você a considerar possibilidades surpreendentes, a abrir-se ao desconhecido e a combinar o raciocínio lógico com a sensibilidade intuitiva. Seja você um praticante de PNL, um estudioso da paranormalidade ou apenas alguém fascinado pelos mistérios da mente, este livro oferece uma experiência única: não apenas ampliar seus horizontes, mas também transformá-lo em um agente ativo da própria evolução.

Mais Informações:

Andre Percia
WhatsApp + 55 21 99101-1843
Instagram: @andre_percia

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