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Sobre nosotros / Recursos / Artículos
You may read scientific articles about NLP and Coaching for free in the peer reviewed Romanian Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy
The Effectiveness of NLP: Interrupted Time Series Analysis of Single Subject - Data for One Session of NLP Coaching (p. 41-58)
Authors: Jaap Hollander*, Oliver Malinowski**
*Institute for Eclectic Psychology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
**Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, VOL.19, no 4 (76) December 2016
Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories (RTM) for PTSD - a case series (p. 59-70)
Authors: Richard M. Gray, Bruce Teall
The Research and Recognition Project, Corning, New York Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, VOL 19 no 3 (75) September 2016
The Use of Clean Language and Metaphor in Helping Clients Overcoming Procrastination (p. 30-36)
Authors: Judy Rees*, Alexandru Ioan Manea** ***Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, RomaniaJournal of Experiential Psychotherapy, VOL 19 no 3 (75) September 2016
Removal of PTSD Symptoms in a Client Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming - A Case History (p. 37)
Author: Bruce GrimleyAchieving Lives Ltd.
Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, VOL 19 no 2 (74) June 2016
Relationships are Constructed from Generalized Unconscious Social Images Kept in Steady Locations in Mental Space (p. 3-16)
Author: Lucas A.C. Derks*, Walter O. Oetsch**, Wolfgang Walker****
International Laboratory for Mental Space Research, Nijmegen, Netherlands
** „Johannes Kepler” University of Linz, Austria
*** International Laboratory for Mental Space Research, Berlin, Germany
Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, VOL 19 no 1 (73) March 2016
Entrenamiento "Systemic Constellation Advanced, WSCO" por el entrenador Wolfgang Kiel y Katharina Kaiser en Alemania
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