Science meets transformational practice

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Dr. Franz Korbinian Huetter

Dr. Franz Korbinian Huetter

Dr. Franz Huetter: Science meets transformational practice

Let’s rock the planet with Scientific NLP and other life-changing methods

Scientific Trainer Training is Franz’s mission. Why?  Franz is convinced that the art and science of leading individuals and organizations through demanding transformational journeys is one of the most important jobs in the world today. After all, one old structure after another is collapsing before our eyes and the wheel of change is turning faster than ever before. Rapid and profound transformations of people, economies and societies are no longer just desirable options, but a condition for our collective survival. To fulfil this demanding task, trainers, coaches and consultants need the best available methods, the latest knowledge from cutting-edge empirical research and a solid foundation in the humanities that allows them to put all this to use with foresight and wisdom.

Scientific Trainer Training A transdisciplinary, independently certified course for creating new paradigms in learning and development far beyond the common train the trainer filter bubbles.

This integrative approach is the basic principle of Franz' Scientific Trainer trainings: solid foundations in neuroscience, psychology and systems thinking, embedded in a no-bullshit epistemological, philosophical and sociological framework. The aim is to gain an in-depth understanding of the active ingredients of transformative approaches such as NLP, systemic coaching, constellation work, positive psychology or mindfulness practice. In this way, we can convince more people of the value of these wonderful approaches and can continuously improve our own practice and the quality of our work. This is especially important in times when clients' budgets are getting tighter, so that they only invest in measures based on scientific evidence and plausibility

Next to love, Franz's highest value is freedom. That's why it's so important to him that after his trainings, trainers are able to apply science independently, know the most important sources, do their own targeted research and are able to do their own research whenever they need to work something out. Instead of providing them with easily digestible, pre-cooked morsels of knowledge from the scientific fast-food kitchen, he wants his trainers to learn to "cook and bake" game-changing approaches themselves. Therefore, the courses are no kindergarten outings, but challenging mountain tours! This is, however, precisely why they are rewarding experiences with incomparable gains in personal and intellectual empowerment! After all, Franz's ultimate goal is participants’ strengthened self-confidence and their firm determination to effect powerful change: because, when it comes to transformation, we need leaders, not service providers.

Experience state-of-the-art Future Learning technology and achieve many of your goals even during the course. The flipped classroom approach makes it possible to access the foundations of the included scientific knowledge in approximately 20 hours of exciting teaching videos, quizzes and audio files on a learning platform. This way, you can learn the basics at your own pace, prepare for the interactive live sessions and have the knowledge available at any time after the course. The six live days take place via ZOOM or MS-Teams, with three hours in the morning and three hours in the afternoon - of course related to your time zone. The live sessions serve to deepen knowledge, discuss applications and practice-transfer, and develop innovative new formats. Franz is convinced that a good training allows you to prepare a great part of the desired results during the course – not in the dim and distant future. Therefore, the last two course days are devoted to co-creating your innovative science-based course designs, coaching formats, blogs, keynotes or business-plans. Of course, direct experience of Future Learning mega-trends is also on the agenda. Thus, two of the 6 course days will be held in Virtual Reality, e.g. with Meta Quest 2 headsets. On this basis, Franz will be happy to offer in-depth workshops in your location for your training team or for your participants and clients.

Are you curious about the highlights of this approach? We offer you a 90-minute online workshop on the topic: "The neuroscience of NLP and why NLP should be an essential part of Future Learning". In addition to the valuable insights into recent scientific findings, you will receive all the necessary information about the trainings and the further options.

Dr. rer. medic. Franz Hütter, M.A. has been a regular “commuter” between science and professional practice for more than 20 years. His core concern is the comprehensive transfer of findings from life science, social science and the humanities into leadership and learning & development.

After studying language and literature at the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich with a focus on psychological theories of literature and cognitive linguistics, he moved to industry as a communications specialist, where he was responsible for communications at a company in the automotive IT sector.

After a number of certified trainings as a trainer and coach and a lot of practice in people and organization development, his curiosity drew him on the neuroscientific side of his passion for human cognition, communication and psychology. Among other things, he did his doctorate at the Medical Faculty of the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) on genetic determinants of empathy and conducted research at the Institute for Pharmacogenetics. Today, Franz Hütter teaches Applied Cognitive Neuroscience at the business psychology faculty of a management school.

Since 2010, Franz Hütter has been the founder and owner of BRAIN-HR, a private institute for scientific training and consulting in the human resources sector. The core product of BRAIN-HR is an independently certified and recognized "Scientific Trainer" training, which is designed to be a major contribution to increased professionalism in the Learning & Development sector. Franz’ NET OF BRAINS, which evolved out of an alumni community of his courses, was recently awarded with the German Demography award for outstanding contributions to the project of bringing New Work to life. Franz Hütter is the author of three books and around 40 specialist articles on scientifically based practical transfer.

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